Making castings of existing mouldings so as to repair missing sections and repair
Carve gesso to match with existing design and then prepare for gilding.
Re-gild with gold and silver leaf and distress areas of repair to match with period
Over mantle mirror frames, girandoles and all furniture can be repaired, and
Picture frames can have mouldings carved back and re-gilded.
Replace carvings of all woodwork for all types of furniture especially chair backs
and legs.
All work to use period materials and techniques.
The repairs to Japanning and the build-up of lost detail.
The repair and re-gilding to this frame of a miniature watercolor on ivory.
A Victorian amboyna and ebony card table. The tables legs and centre urn were highlighted with gold leaf.
This superb mid 17th century jointed armchair is the first known to have gilding on the carving to the back. Careful conservation to stabilise the gold leaf from further deterioration.
Heavily decorated upholstered Victorian oak armchair. The wings to the birds were damaged and they were repaired and carved to match the originals.